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Phil Jones

Why Most New Resellers Fail Reselling Online. (Ebay, Etsy, Poshmark, Grailed, Offer Up)

The Number One reason new resellers fail.

Do you have a dream of starting an eBay business? You're not alone! Many people have discovered the exciting opportunities that reselling can offer. However, many of these new resellers end up failing within the first few months. In fact, according to eBay's 2018 Reseller Study, only 11% of sellers who start selling on eBay are still selling after one year! That's why it's important to understand the obstacles that could hinder your success as a reseller before you jump in headfirst.

The number one reason new resellers fail is they don't have a plan. You are not going to get rich overnight, you need a business plan and budget upfront.

They don't have systems in place that will make their life easier if they stick with them. Systems are needed for inventory control, customer support and sales activities.

They don't have a mentor who can coach them through their first few months of being an online marketer so that they stay on track instead of getting lost or discouraged when things aren't going as planned.

Are you making this mistake?

So you want to be a reseller? Great! But are you making this mistake?

There are many reasons why new resellers fail, but the most common is because they don't really want it. They think it will be easy. They think they can do it all on their own without any help or training from someone who has already been there and done that.

The truth is, if you’re going to go into business for yourself then you have to be committed and willing to work hard at building up your business over time. It's not a get rich quick scheme where one day everything clicks and suddenly money is flowing in like crazy! You need to be willing to learn new things every single day even when it feels like everything is falling apart around you! You have got decide right now whether or not starting this business is something that YOU WANT TO DO because if not then don't waste any more time on thinking about it because there are plenty other ways out there where people won't expect as much from themselves than what they're capable of doing today :)

Reselling on eBay is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment.

Let me be clear: selling on eBay is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes a serious commitment of time, energy and money. You have to be willing to work hard at it and make some investments in the form of your time and resources – but the good news is that you can make those investments without breaking the bank.

But before we go any further, let’s take a look at what I mean by “commitment” in this context:

You have to be willing to learn new skills – as a reseller you need to come up with new ways of doing things if you want your business model to succeed over time.

You have to be willing to invest your time in building up relationships with other businesses who can help promote your products successfully – working with an agency isn’t always necessary but having someone else do this for you will save hours or even days worth of potential success when it comes down making sales through social media platforms like Pinterest or Facebook groups specifically targeted towards certain niches/groups within society (such as mothers).

You have to be willing to make some investments in the form of your time and resources – but the good news is that you can make those investments without breaking the bank.

You might be thinking, "That's it? That's the only reason?" We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but yes: that's pretty much it. If you're not prepared for hard work and commitment, then reselling probably isn't for you. Reselling is definitely not a get rich quick scheme—it takes a lot of patience and perseverance to build up your business and make good money from it. But if you're willing to put in those hours and make some sacrifices now so that later on down the road things will pay off big time? Then go ahead!

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